Portable Electric Heaters Lower Business Utility Operations Expense


Business owners across America suffer frustratingly high utility operations costs during the winter season. Smart business owners’ study, evaluate, and address how to strategically lower every category of business operations expense to include utility expenditures. Our corporate account clients share a common challenge to profitability. That challenge is reducing or eliminating HVAC control to low-use operations areas. A cost-saving strategic initiative that our customers choose is to rent portable spot heaters to deliver strategically targeted heating solutions to work centers, warehouses, and other areas where 100% environmental control is unnecessary.

We consider it a privilege to consult our corporate clients with study and analysis specifically designed to increase profitability. Just one of our core competencies as a spot heating and cooling support provider is to assess how our rental spot cooling and heating systems can be strategically incorporated with your fixed HVAC systems to maximize your energy efficiency. The strategic use of portable electric heaters vice singular reliance on fixed HVAC is a direct path to lowering the overall expense for your business’ environmental control.

For more information about portable electric heaters, contact Americool LLC.