Who Chose Portable Electric Heaters Over Propane?


When it comes to implementing supplemental heat within your home or business, you have options. We’re here today to make the case that portable electric heaters are a clear choice over the comparable kerosene and propane. Here are the three most important reasons:

  1. Electric heaters are convenient to use because electricity is normally readily available. You simply need to plug the asset into an existing electrical outlet, and you’re all set. Regarding kerosene and propane heaters, they typically require electricity to power their blowers and thermostats. But to the overall quality of convenience, kerosene and propane are far from convenient. The fuels must be sourced and resupplied regularly. Add to this fact that you must continually monitor and resupply the devices themselves, they are far from a convenient solution.
  2. Electric heaters are safe. Since they don’t use fossil fuels, there’s no risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. Kerosene and propane heaters must be vented to eliminate this dangerous threat. Also, some governmental agencies disallow the use of heaters with kerosene and propane tanks because of safety concerns.
  3. Electric heaters are adaptable. They can be used to heat a single workstation to an entire work area. Electric heaters come in different heating capacities so they can be customized to efficiently operate in spaces large and small.

For more information about purchasing or renting portable electric heaters, contact Americoll LLC.